3 reasons you need to diversify your candidate traffic sources

3 reasons you need to diversify your candidate traffic sources

January 21, 2020
Job Board Advertising

Putting all your eggs in one basket is rarely a good idea. This is certainly true in the case of your candidate attraction strategy.

A strategy with a diverse number of candidate sourcing methods is essential. Find out how it allows you to protect your business and take control, enables you to engage new, valuable traffic sources and helps you increase exposure to candidates and get a competitive advantage.

  1. Protect your business and take control

There’s absolutely no guarantee that any source of traffic you’re using and potentially relying on will necessarily be available in the future, especially organic traffic.

If the majority of your traffic comes from only a small pool of sources, you’re exposing yourself to a higher level of risk, should any of these sources suddenly stop delivering results.

Historically, the recruitment industry has experienced sudden wake-up calls, forcing consultancies to rapidly re-evaluate their strategy.

For example, the update to data protection legislation, GDPR, on 25th May 2018, caused serious disruption. Making the required changes to data management practices and processes, meant databases for many companies shrunk.

The US and Canada experienced a huge blow when, in January 2019, Indeed switched-off organic traffic to all recruitment consultancies.

For many, there was significant financial fallout. Some recruitment consultancies had to triple their advertising budget overnight to replace the organic (free) traffic. This meant either paying to advertise on Indeed or finding alternative sources.

2. Engage new, valuable traffic sources

With the landscape constantly changing, regular testing and experimentation can uncover great new ways to get ahead.

If you’re not testing a variety of traffic sources you could be missing out on lucrative placements. Consider running small-scale experiments on multiple new types of traffic sources.

After four to eight weeks, evaluate your results, and prioritise the sources that perform best.

Based on our extensive experience in managing programmatic advertising across the recruitment industry, we always see the benefits of an integrated approach to candidate attraction. Using a range of traffic sources and marketing activities is much more effective and reliable.

3. Increase exposure to candidates and get a competitive advantage

If you’re sourcing candidates and generating placements using the same job boards and CV databases that your competitors are using, you’ll be competing for the same limited pool of candidates.

Broadening your approach to include other traffic sources will allow you to tap into pools of candidates that your competitors won’t be accessing yet.

Programmatic advertising allows you to advertise on over 30 job boards simultaneously. As you gain exposure to a wider range of candidates, you will receive applications faster and be able to manage your spend on a daily, pay-per-performance basis.

This allows your consultants to deliver candidates ahead of your competition, leading to increased placement revenue.

What’s next? Future-proof your candidate attraction strategy

Diversifying your traffic sources is just one of the steps to making sure your advertising activities are getting you the best possible results.

Find out exactly how to future-proof your candidate attraction strategy here.

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